Björn Berg

Wix Toolset plugin 1.5 for Jenkins released


A new version of Wix Toolset plugin was released today. The new version will be automatically available via Jenkins update manager in a few hours. This announcement describes the latest changes.

Changes between Wix Toolset plugin 1.4 and 1.5

Define MSI package name

It is now possible to define a filename for the MSI package. If this Advanced Setting is left blank the MSI package name defaults to setup.msi. Environment variables (as long as defined) are expanded to their value. A package name like setup-${BUILD_NUMBER}.msi results for e.g. to setup-40.msi.

Define defaults for architecture

Set architecture defaults for package, components, etc. values=x86, x64, or ia64 (default=x86)

Minor changes

  • On the system configuration page the plugin is now called Wix Toolset instead of Windows Installer Builder.
  • Extended validation of installation directory. Checks now if directory contains compiler candle.exe und linker light.exe.
  • English and german messages depending on your system settings.

A complete list of all changes is available at GitHub.


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